Ins­tead of high-gloss pro­mi­ses, plea­se read in the fol­lo­wing para­graphs how Schöl­zel & Part­ner ticks, what we belie­ve in and why this work with exe­cu­ti­ves, team and pro­ject mana­gers, cli­ent con­sul­tants, etc. has been suc­cessful for more than 30 years.


Get inspi­ra­ti­on befo­re you get star­ted: Inspi­ra­ti­on for yours­elf and for others with whom you want to achie­ve goals! From the out­side, there’s ple­nty of pres­su­re to act. Sus­tainable com­mit­ment comes from within. Reco­gni­ze values/ prio­ri­ties and moti­va­tions – your own and tho­se of others! Con­sis­tent value prio­ri­ties crea­te con­sis­tent com­mit­ment. We sup­port you with the ana­ly­sis of authen­tic value pro­files and the accom­p­animent of chan­ge pro­ces­ses.


Design your coope­ra­ti­on with your peo­p­le. Crea­ti­vi­ty is good for inno­va­ti­on, co-crea­ti­vi­ty brings even more and can deli­ver the unex­pec­ted. Balan­ce of oppo­sing types in your team, accep­tance on a per­so­nal level – set­ting up lea­der­ship and coope­ra­ti­on cor­rect­ly. Com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of effec­ti­ve self-manage­ment and sup­port­i­ve team spi­rit hast to be found.


Pro­blems are not sol­ved at the same level on which they aro­se – except “just for once” with pres­su­re or com­pul­si­on. Power sedu­ces to use it more than appro­pria­te, spasm and rigi­di­ty breaks easi­ly the sprouts of moti­va­ti­on. “Must” and “Should“ crea­tes a loss of strength along the way: qua­li­ty, crea­ti­vi­ty, and speed are dwind­ling. “Wan­ting” can be encou­ra­ged by inte­res­ted atten­ti­on and admit­tance. Trans­forming means chan­ge through the inte­gra­ti­on of all forces.

Our Fields of Work



Time manage­ment is the basis. The day under con­trol: plan­ning and fle­xi­ble open­ness for sur­pri­ses. Set­ting prio­ri­ties is only pos­si­ble if goals and para­me­ters are clear. Effi­ci­en­cy… – read on here

Self-manage­ment pro­vi­des the exten­si­on: fin­ding goals, mas­te­ring role requi­re­ments. Balan­cing workload dai­ly makes life balan­ce  pos­si­ble in the long run. Per­for­mance occurs when goals are deci­ded and inter­na­li­zed. To con­duct … – read on here

Self-lea­der­ship: tran­s­cen­ding mere manage­ment: Having all facets of your life balan­ced in your scope, with a com­mit­ment to your values and prio­ri­ties – giving your strengths space and prio­ri­ty, kno­wing and over­co­ming weak­ne­s­ses. Fol­low your will ins­tead of run­ning after should and must. Live YOUR life, show YOUR face. This is how you can achie­ve your suc­cess under … – read on here

What Cli­ents Say About us

What our cus­to­mers and cli­ents report back to us can be found on the page “Self-lea­der­ship” or on XING-Coa­ches.

Lea­ding Others

Power? the ful­ly empowered lea­der is endo­wed with power: ren­un­cia­ti­on from power does not mean being power­less, but renoun­cing from punish­ment and reward, thus ruling by fear and greed. Ins­tead, your aut­ho­ri­ty ari­ses: respec­ted as first among equ­als.
Hier­ar­chy? For­mal­ly exag­ge­ra­ted hier­ar­chies give way to the impe­ra­ti­ve of agi­li­ty, effec­ti­ve­ness, prag­ma­tism: Turn the pyra­mid upsi­de down ope­ra­tio­nal­ly: sup­port­i­ve, trus­ting con­nec­tions are nee­ded – at any speed!
Lea­der­ship in chan­ge – So what does lea­der­ship in chan­ge mean? Enable Per­for­mance: Clear values and prio­ri­ties, real­ly agre­e­ing goals in dia­lo­gue ins­tead of set­ting them, empha­si­zing accents and thus pro­mo­ting a wil­ling­ness to take respon­si­bi­li­ty – then “get­ting out of the way”, per­cei­ve what is hap­pe­ning, be pre­sent, wil­ling to sup­port or read­just. A con­sis­tent under­stan­ding of lea­der­ship,… – read on here

Per­for­mance Issues

We limit our­sel­ves here to the core topics for mana­gers from the first manage­ment func­tion to the more expe­ri­en­ced mana­ger: get­ting fit and stay­ing fresh: updating to modern approa­ches, e.g. real­ly agre­e­ing on goals, re-moti­va­ti­on, … – read on here
Allow yours­elf and your employees to be inspi­red! Learn!

What Cli­ents Say About us

What our cus­to­mers and cli­ents report back to us can be found on the page “lea­ding others”.
We would be hap­py to pre­sent refe­ren­ces from our cli­ents in our first mee­ting.

Lea­ding Teams and Enter­pri­ses


Run­ning a busi­ness: Nobo­dy is per­fect! Know your strengths, limits and blind spots. Lea­der­ship is more important than wan­ting to be the smar­test in all ques­ti­ons. Use our busi­ness coa­ching for lea­ders!
Lea­ding teams: under­stan­ding the dyna­mics in groups and lear­ning to steer them for per­for­mance: stan­ding with your peo­p­le, behind them, in front of them, going ahead – wha­te­ver it takes. Trai­ning, coa­ching – what do you need?
Manage­ment – Lea­der­ship: well-posi­tio­ned and orga­ni­zed for the what and how – bes­i­des, a broa­der hori­zon, a more com­pre­hen­si­ve under­stan­ding, a deeper moti­va­ti­on: to know the why and what for.
Mini­mi­ze misun­derstan­dings fun­da­men­tal­ly: A com­mon under­stan­ding of lea­der­ship and a plat­form of values – a must-have, espe­ci­al­ly in cul­tu­ral­ly mixed orga­niza­ti­ons, to make suc­cess pos­si­ble.
Enab­ling agi­li­ty: situa­tio­nal, direct, fle­xi­ble, … acting and inter­ac­ting. Agi­le action also needs mea­ning and reflec­tion – what keeps the shop tog­e­ther?
Values pro­vi­de sta­bi­li­ty … – read on here

What Cli­ents Say About us

What our cus­to­mers and cli­ents report back to us can be found on the page “Team-/ Corp. Mgmt” .
We would be hap­py to pre­sent refe­ren­ces from our cli­ents in our first mee­ting.

Lea­der­ship Excel­lence

… is a per­so­nal chall­enge for the indi­vi­du­al mana­ger. The busi­ness suc­cess of your com­pa­ny depends more and more on how your exe­cu­ti­ves and top per­for­mers pur­sue stra­te­gies in a rapidly chan­ging envi­ron­ment. In doing so, they should shape coope­ra­ti­on and enable indi­vi­du­al per­for­mance: for best per­for­mance! At the same time, a lea­der­ship role is always lived in a supra-indi­vi­du­al sys­tem that works through rules, views and habits, norms and values. You will find space for this in our Lea­der­ship Excel­lence pro­grams … –  read on here

Hin­ter­grund­bild Hän­de

Our Func­tio­ning

“inspi­re, design, trans­form” … we explain at the very begin­ning of this page. No one likes to be forced, mani­pu­la­ted, bur­ned out. The chan­ge with com­mit­ment go ins­tead of suf­fe­ring. For this we need inspi­ra­ti­on, an idea of ​​the way and the impul­se to do it. We sup­port ever­y­thing. The same appli­es to your employees: Eit­her you invest in per­for­mance or you con­su­me the sub­s­tance. Invest in your peo­p­le! “Inves­t­ing in know­ledge brings the best inte­rest” (Ben­ja­min Frank­lin)
Beau­tiful, beau­tiful – cru­cial in our time is that acqui­red know­ledge is quick­ly used prac­ti­cal­ly. 
more right now   


What we can not offer:

Ever­y­thing you learn in your edu­ca­ti­on, trai­ning or MBA as an app­ren­ti­ce: spe­cia­list spe­cia­liza­ti­on and exper­ti­se.

What we offer

  • Coa­ching, trai­ning, work­shops, advice on self-manage­ment and gui­ding others, goal set­ting and con­flict reso­lu­ti­on, care­ers and deve­lo­p­ment per­spec­ti­ves.
  • Our qua­li­fied exper­ti­se and expe­ri­ence from 30 years working and lear­ning in the field of lea­der­ship and orga­niza­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment for com­mer­cial enter­pri­ses – recent­ly also in the field of cut­ting-edge tech­no­lo­gi­cal rese­arch.
  • Com­mit­ment to brin­ging dif­fe­rent things tog­e­ther: youn­ger / older, prag­ma­tists / crea­ti­ve, cul­tu­ral and sub­cul­tu­ral inte­gra­ti­on.
  • What only exter­nal peo­p­le can do: A sharp and intel­li­gent view from the out­side and the free­dom to ask even uncon­ven­tio­nal ques­ti­ons.
  • Our com­mit­ment to your pro­jects and goals. For your first impres­si­on, we have crea­ted this web­site.
  • ..more about us

Pro­mi­nent Voices

“When com­pa­nies com­bi­ne their ope­ra­ti­ons with their authen­tic values, their per­for­mance rises dra­ma­ti­cal­ly.”

Dr. Charles Sava­ge – Pre­si­dent of know­ledge era enter­pri­ses, Munich (5th Gene­ra­ti­on Manage­ment)
“Our stu­dy of near­ly 1500 exe­cu­ti­ves and mana­gers cle­ar­ly shows that shared values bet­ween indi­vi­du­als and com­pa­nies are a powerful source of both per­so­nal effec­ti­ve­ness and busi­ness suc­cess.”

War­ren Schmidt & Bar­ry Pos­ner
“I can ful­ly agree with your idea of the values in a com­pa­ny. The “cor­po­ra­te social event”, as I for­mu­la­ted it many years ago, sees the pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­bu­ti­on of pro­ducts and ser­vices as its first task. When I look at Dürr, the employees live the values of this com­pa­ny…”

Heinz Dürr Chair­man of the Super­vi­so­ry Board of
Dürr AG and for­mer head of Deut­sche Bahn AG
So “values” fuels our flights!  Gre­at! I am deligh­ted.

Dr. Charles Sava­ge
Pre­si­dent of know­ledge era enter­pri­ses, Munich
Our socie­ty and con­se­quent­ly also our eco­no­my and its com­pa­nies can­not do wit­hout a stra­te­gic value ori­en­ta­ti­on and an expli­cit sus­taina­bi­li­ty stra­tegy. “Con­nec­ting the Links” (value stu­dy 2011 by Schölzel&Partner) cle­ar­ly shows the con­nec­tions and neces­si­ties.

Rudolf X. Ruter­Cor­po­ra­te Gover­nan­ce Con­sul­ting



Hin­ter­grund­bild Fül­ler

Blog Posts


(Deutsch) Cam­ping­bus am Abgrund – Voi­la: Der Weg zu nach­hal­ti­gem Unter­neh­mens­er­folg

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) Adap­ti­ver Füh­rungs­stil – für GF/CEO und Füh­rungs­kräf­te

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.

(Deutsch) Sta­bi­li­sie­rung beson­ders der IT-(nahen) Teams – für GF/CEO und Füh­rungs­kräf­te

Sor­ry, this ent­ry is only available in Deutsch.