Self Lea­der­ship

We dif­fe­ren­tia­te bet­ween three levels of self-manage­ment:

  • Time manage­ment – the basis: mas­ter the day, achie­ve and enjoy results
  • Self-manage­ment – the exten­si­on: deve­lo­ping goals, balan­cing role requi­re­ments,
  • Self-lea­der­ship – reco­gni­ze your own inter­nal ope­ra­ting sys­tem: values and their prio­ri­ties: How do I tick?… to deve­lop and use your poten­ti­als

We are taking you fur­ther – at any level by trai­ning, coa­ching, pro­fil­ing, con­sul­ting.

Time Manage­ment

Time manage­ment is the basis: kee­ping the day under con­trol: plan­ning and fle­xi­ble open­ness to sur­pri­se balan­ce. Set­ting prio­ri­ties is only pos­si­ble if goals and para­me­ters are clear. Effi­ci­en­cy is fun, effec­ti­ve­ness means achie­ving goals: Crea­ting the essen­ti­al. Situa­tions often come in the form of peo­p­le and demand more than reason: brain and heart. Prepa­re the day well: What is real­ly important? What fits when? Keep your head clear, stop the thought cine­ma, sleep more quiet­ly. Fit for the new day. Then it runs per­fect­ly, con­cen­tra­ted in the flow ins­tead of strai­ned. Finish the day clean. Ever­y­thing beg­ins with a sin­gle day – by no means tri­vi­al.    DOWN­LOAD

Self Lea­der­ship

Self-lea­der­ship – tran­s­cen­ding mere self-manage­ment: All facets of your life balan­ced in over­view, with cla­ri­ty about your values and prio­ri­ties – giving space to your strengths and prio­ri­ties, kno­wing and over­co­ming weak­ne­s­ses. To fol­low what you want ins­tead of run­ning after all the “shoulds”. Live YOUR life, show YOUR face. In this way, you will achie­ve your suc­ces­ses fol­lo­wing more authen­tic goals and keep your “long breath”.
Tal­king about values is easy, your values prio­ri­ties show you what is more important than other. The dyna­mics only beco­me appa­rent in the VMI value pro­fi­le: Whe­re do you stand in your deve­lo­p­ment, what are your accents in life, what are your cur­rent chal­lenges and what are your keys to the solu­ti­on? Whe­re are others? Employees, col­le­agues in manage­ment. What do you have in com­mon, what is the­re to talk about?   DOWN­LOAD


Self-manage­ment pro­vi­des the exten­si­on: fin­ding goals, mas­te­ring role requi­re­ments. Balan­cing stres­ses, the balan­ce of life makes the mara­thon pos­si­ble. Per­for­mance occurs when goals are deci­ded and cle­ar­ly inter­na­li­zed. To con­duct the orches­tra of your life, you should have your pro­fes­sio­nal and pri­va­te the­mes under con­trol. Fol­low your goals, set prio­ri­ties.
No effec­ti­ve self-manage­ment wit­hout good time manage­ment. Both levels are pos­si­ble indi­vi­du­al­ly or inte­gra­ted.   DOWN­LOAD

Pre­ven­ting stress, main­tai­ning com­po­sure is fea­si­ble – time and self-manage­ment for agi­le times

Too rigid, plan­ning does­n’t work any­mo­re, new tech­ni­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties by Post it´s, … okay, are you still in the driver’s seat? Our pro­grams for self- and time manage­ment are deve­lo­ped by our trai­ners and con­sul­tants: We use them our­sel­ves every day. Fast swit­ching, let­ting go of plans, jugg­ling with appoint­ments and chan­ged tasks (VUKA) have been our dai­ly bread for years.

Behind every prag­ma­tic working tech­ni­que lies how we are able to act men­tal­ly and emo­tio­nal­ly. Take advan­ta­ge of our expe­ri­ence for proac­ti­ve stress manage­ment and tools that you part­wi­se won’t find in other pro­grams. On top of that, you will be effi­ci­ent in coa­ching via ZOOM/Skype by only picking up what helps you to the point. Read voices direct­ly from our cli­ents below on this page. A short pho­ne call and you will know if and how this works for you. Sug­gest two appoint­ments, we’ll con­firm one of them for sure.


Group coa­ching – topic-spe­ci­­fic, online

Do the topics on this page reso­na­te with you or do you have other con­cerns? You don’t have to wait for ano­ther in-house semi­nar: In our topic-spe­ci­fic group coa­ching ses­si­ons, you will start very soon and we will work direct­ly on your imple­men­ta­ti­on ques­ti­ons:

  • Max. 6 par­ti­ci­pan­ts
  • Com­mit­ment to con­fi­den­tia­li­ty, no par­ti­ci­pan­ts from the same com­pa­ny in direct depen­dence
  • Basis: 6 (exten­da­ble) weekly online mee­tings (ZOOM), Tue 16:30–19:00.
  • Coach expe­ri­en­ced in the topic

App­ly here!



The busi­ness suc­cess of your com­pa­ny depends more and more on how your exe­cu­ti­ves and top per­for­mers pur­sue stra­te­gies in a rapidly chan­ging envi­ron­ment. In doing so, they should shape coope­ra­ti­on and pro­mo­te indi­vi­du­al per­for­mance: for best per­for­mance!

This also includes “hands and feel” for “more than manage­ment”: lea­der­ship with “Far­sigh­ted­ness”, “Broad­view” and “Loo­king Deep­ly”, inspi­ring others: Attrac­ting peo­p­le for com­mon goals through more than all the “whats” and “hows”. This is nee­ded at all levels, espe­ci­al­ly at the top, of cour­se.

Ever­y­thing under con­trol sounds good, but only trust enables “con­trol” of com­plex sys­tems. So how do we make our own trust in others pos­si­ble and streng­then the trust of others, how do we mas­ter trust and con­trol as a coll­ec­ti­ve chall­enge?

For this suc­cess fac­tor, a mana­ger sel­ects the right employees and mana­gers for the long term. As the first per­son­nel deve­lo­per, he/she will deve­lop them con­sis­t­ent­ly with the goals and values of your orga­niza­ti­on and so keep them in the com­pa­ny. Invest­ment in deve­lo­p­ment signals per­spec­ti­ve – this is high­ly popu­lar in tur­bu­lent times and nou­ris­hes com­mit­ment.

As a boost for such under­stan­ding of lea­der­ship, you can use our high­ly rated trai­ning “Per­son­nel Sel­ec­tion and Per­son­nel Deve­lo­p­ment”.    DOWN­LOAD  More ela­bo­ra­te pro­grams we adapt to your prio­ri­ties (See our Lead-Exc-Ral­lye in the side­bars)


Our deve­lo­p­ment pro­grams for your best peo­p­le

What trai­ning invol­ves: qua­li­fy­ing and inspi­ring the indi­vi­du­al. What is only pos­si­ble in a deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess: inte­gra­ted self-under­stan­ding in the topics of “deve­lo­ping ones­elf, lea­ding others and tasks” and chan­ging atti­tu­des, per­spec­ti­ves sus­tain­ab­ly through the repea­ted feed­back cir­cle to the trainer/coach and to the col­le­agues in the group.

Our deve­lo­p­ment pro­grams mean

  • stay clo­se to busi­ness rea­li­ty – look at it from the out­side
  • lear­ning ali­ve ins­tead of being trai­ned – chan­ge hap­pens now
  • accu­mu­la­te per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment ins­tead of know­ledge – brain and heart
  • deve­lop per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal skills in an inte­gra­ted way – authen­ti­cal­ly capa­ble
  • expe­ri­ence supra-indi­vi­du­al aspects of lea­der­ship with col­le­agues – design the sys­tem
  • prac­ti­cal through imple­men­ta­ti­on pro­jects – walk the talk
  • Clo­ser per­so­nal cont­act bet­ween the par­ti­ci­pan­ts and with the manage­ment of the com­pa­ny

Tar­get groups: High poten­ti­als, team lea­ders, midd­le manage­ment levels (upper, lower), exe­cu­ti­ves in or befo­re the first lea­der­ship func­tion.

Con­tents and scope on-demand:

  • From the con­den­sed inten­si­ve pro­gram in the coa­ching group (up to 8 par­ti­ci­pan­ts): in 3 months to self-manage­ment and team lea­der­ship: pro­ject expo­se DOWN­LOAD
  • up to the annu­al pro­gram with up to 12 par­ti­ci­pan­ts.

Sus­tainable invest­ment: Through trans­fer sup­port and invol­vement of mana­gers, desi­red chan­ges take place imme­dia­te­ly.

The core topics lie in our fields of work, which you will find on this web­site.
Fol­low the ral­ly to the 5 modu­les of our pro­gram: Modu­le 1 can be found here.
The abbre­via­ti­on for tho­se  “in a hur­ry”: To the ral­ly desti­na­ti­on


Cus­to­mer feed­back on self-lea­der­ship

What is very important to me is to prio­ri­ti­ze the issues that ari­se: Very important is the ques­ti­on: Can only I do that?! This has alre­a­dy con­sider­a­b­ly redu­ced my workload. I have more air for over­view and sup­port of others.

Ano­ther decisi­ve fac­tor is the note: How far ahead to plan the evening befo­re – the assign­ment in time sli­ces may only be done in the mor­ning: after the e‑mail check!

Klaus Uwe Birt­hel­mer, Dipl. Ing., DEN­SO Auto­mo­ti­ve
“Eck­hard Schöl­zel, as a mode­ra­tor in the Basic Manage­ment Pro­gram of Sie­mens AG, demons­tra­ted his qua­li­ties in con­trol­ling even deman­ding lar­ge groups with up to 28 par­ti­ci­pan­ts: pro­cess under­stan­ding, goal ori­en­ta­ti­on, and par­ti­ci­pant focus. His broad reper­toire of situa­tively dif­fe­rent tax impul­ses – metho­di­cal­ly and pro­fes­sio­nal­ly sup­port­ed – gives the par­ti­ci­pa­ting mana­gers a pro­fi­led, mode­ra­ti­ve lea­der­ship through the work­shops of the one-year acti­vi­ty accom­pany­ing pro­gram.

The con­ti­nuous deve­lo­p­ment of the pro­gram bene­fits from its com­pe­tence and its value-con­scious com­mit­ment to the goals of the Manage­ment Deve­lo­p­ment Pro­gram.

Horst Blüm, for­mer Head of Per­son­nel

Deve­lo­p­ment Com­pe­ten­ci­es, Sie­mens Qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on and Trai­ning
I tes­ted ever­y­thing right away: Mind­map, ABC prio­ri­tiza­ti­on the night befo­re. Unloved tasks I do right now in the mor­ning. I had slept regu­lar­ly only until 3 o’clock, then wake up with thoughts of the next working day. This has sud­den­ly impro­ved: I sleep deeper and lon­ger.

S.T. Pro­ject Mana­ger, SAG GmbH
A sin­gle day of time manage­ment – is that enough? – That’s what I thought ori­gi­nal­ly. Working inten­si­ve­ly in group coa­ching and fin­ding ans­wers to my spe­ci­fic ques­ti­ons is effec­ti­ve. It is, the­r­e­fo­re, wort­hwhile to acqui­re basic know­ledge before­hand. This has brought me more than a semi­nar las­ting seve­ral days with many buz­zwords.

Bas­ti­an Schol­ten, Pro­ject Mana­ger

Dra­ka Com­Teq Ger­ma­ny GmbH & Co. LIMI­T­ED PART­NER­SHIP
By the way, yes­ter­day, I alre­a­dy star­ted to orga­ni­ze my day with Mind­Map. Unbe­lie­va­ble, so far, I am ful­ly on sche­du­le and have a good fee­ling that I have alre­a­dy achie­ved some­thing. Once again, many thanks for the very suc­cessful event yes­ter­day.

Frank Win­ter

Busi­ness Deve­lo­p­ment & Solu­ti­on Line Mana­ger Sie­mens AG
Coa­ching – Manage­ment Deve­lo­p­ment Pro­gram – Hel­lo Eck­hard, Thank you for your coa­ching! Last evening, after our con­ver­sa­ti­on I rea­li­zed why I did not mer­ge the two items: becau­se I was to clo­se to it (or too much in my dai­ly work) and while during tal­king tog­e­ther I could take a step back­ward and look at the over­all! So I have to do some more home­work!

Hans Mül­ler, Busi­ness Seg­ment Mana­ger

CERA­TI­ZIT Luxem­bourg S.à.r.l.
I have con­sis­t­ent­ly appli­ed the new plan­ning methods. In par­ti­cu­lar, the prio­ri­tiza­ti­on and time limi­ta­ti­on of tasks has trig­ge­red a cas­ca­de of addi­tio­nal effects for me: more over­view, com­plex tasks are not post­po­ned but begin in the mor­ning, dele­ga­te what no lon­ger fits in.

The fact that I con­scious­ly keep my pace towards results in more focu­sed work. I’m thril­led! – also about the fact that my com­pa­ny offers me such fur­ther trai­ning.

K.G. Pro­ject Mana­ger SAG GmbH
… Coa­ching was goal-ori­en­ted and straight­for­ward, app­re­cia­ti­ve and pro­fes­sio­nal: pre­cise and extre­me­ly effec­ti­ve. I have gai­ned cla­ri­ty about lea­der­ship for my prac­ti­ce: my visi­on and my lea­der­ship style. Humour and life expe­ri­ence com­ple­men­ted the work with him to a per­fect all-round pro­cess.

Dr. G. Tuts­ch­ka, 1st Chair­man of the Inter­na­tio­nal Coach Fede­ra­ti­on, Ger­ma­ny
… to deal with the reason for this dra­stic expe­ri­ence and abo­ve all to find this reason first of all. In this endea­vor, you have sup­port­ed me enorm­ously and ope­ned my eyes for some things. What did me par­ti­cu­lar­ly good was that you never offe­red a solu­ti­on, but always allo­wed me to find my solu­ti­on through our dis­cus­sions. Your calm way of lis­tening was the key to my suc­cess on this path.

Wolf­gang Knopp – Gene­ral Mana­ger

Thank you very much for the semi­nar “Self Manage­ment” – the num­e­rous prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted tips are easy to imple­ment. My dai­ly rou­ti­ne is now more struc­tu­red, and many stress fac­tors have been signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ced.

Pame­la Heiss, Com­pa­gnie Deutsch GmbH, Munich, Ger­ma­ny
More Feed­backs see XING-Coa­ches


3 Kreise-shrink

Reco­gni­ze your deve­lo­p­men­tal dimen­si­ons

Per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment needs focus – along with moti­va­ti­on, inspi­ra­ti­on and spar­ring. Focu­sing means: What to work on? Accept your core! There’s not­hing to chan­ge. Reco­gni­ze your strengths, build on them to ful­fill your poten­ti­al. Work on weak­ne­s­ses or bad habits to avo­id blocka­ges.

We offer spar­ring through coa­ching. If neces­sa­ry, we recom­mend sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly qua­li­fied instru­ments that will help you. This way you gain your focus: the reflec­tion of your own pat­terns for deeper self-know­ledge.

We have been working with two dif­fe­ren­tia­ted instru­ments in par­ti­cu­lar for many years:


Team Manage­ment Pro­fi­le (TMS­DI)

Team Manage­ment Sys­tems®

The TMS pre­fe­rence pro­fi­le is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble for you alo­ne if you

  • As a team lea­der, lead others late­ral­ly (wit­hout disci­pli­na­ry com­pe­tence),
  • As a pro­ject lea­der, you need to under­stand how others “tick” to win them over,
  • Prepa­re for your first lea­der­ship role
  • In the first manage­ment-func­tion have to lead employees.

Per­so­nal bene­fits from using TMS-Pro­files:


Star­ter Offer:
TMS Pro­fi­le plus tele­pho­ne con­sul­ta­ti­on: Ger­man / Eng­lish € 250,- incl. ship­ping, plus VAT (GER)

Get your per­so­nal TMS-pro­fi­le:


TMS pro­fi­le for teams: more here

Inquiry: plea­se send a request for…

Values Manage­ment Inven­to­ry

VMI/Values Manage­ment Inven­to­ryTM

The VMI Indi­vi­du­al Pro­fi­le uni­que­ly reflects the cha­rac­te­ristics of your life prio­ri­ties and resul­ting inter­ac­tions:

  • Reco­gni­ze your life­line and draw ener­gy from a cle­ar­ly reco­gni­zed future per­spec­ti­ve that suits you.
  • Cla­ri­fy open points that hin­der you and bind ener­gy in your foun­da­ti­on.
  • Reco­gni­ze the oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges you have with coope­ra­ti­on part­ners and appli­cants! Win others more easi­ly for your goals!
  • Learn to lead indi­vi­dua­lists and “deman­ding” employees bet­ter! Expand the ran­ge of your lea­der­ship style!
  • Bet­ter under­stand the natu­re of misun­derstan­dings and anti­ci­pa­te them.
  • Inspi­re your team with gui­ding values that increase ener­gy and mark a com­mon plat­form!

The various eva­lua­tions enable you to set the cour­se on the far-rea­ching value level.

“Get-to-know”-offer for PE-pro­fes­sio­nals:
Get to know the poten­ti­al of VMI™ (Hal­l/­Ton­na-Values Manage­ment Inven­to­ry™)!

  • Indi­vi­du­al pro­fi­le with
    + intro­duc­to­ry infor­ma­ti­on
    + 3 hours over­view coa­ching for full use of the eva­lua­tions
    + in-depth infor­ma­ti­on fol­lo­wing your inte­rest
  • Value pro­fi­le for teams: more here: Value ana­ly­sis
  • … for the enti­re orga­niza­ti­on: more here

Inquiry: plea­se send a request for…
