
Power of Team­spi­rit

What a won­derful exam­p­le of the power of team spi­rit!

The Swiss team sends the French team home. Bet 10€? Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons! 400€ gai­ned!

What hap­pens after­wards?
The Swiss team cele­bra­tes as a team. Even on the pitch after the final whist­le, the joy of tog­e­ther­ness is evi­dent: clo­sen­ess, embrace, expres­si­on of all emo­ti­ons. After 3 hours of hard work tog­e­ther, they enjoy each other’s com­pa­ny.
The French lea­ve the pitch with faces of indi­vi­du­al hor­ror, frus­tra­ti­on and incom­pre­hen­si­on. The bet­ter indi­vi­du­al play­ers are defea­ted by the stron­ger team. In the end, magi­cal­ly, even in the indi­vi­du­al goal­kee­per-scorer duel. How was that pos­si­ble? What hap­pen­ed here?

The game has been com­men­ted on in detail. Here’s just an essen­ti­al and team-psy­cho­lo­gi­cal one: com­pla­cent French super­stars wait sto­lid­ly for the one bril­li­ant situa­ti­on. After all, they only need one. But what hap­pens is that they con­ce­de the first goal. Oops! Well, there’s still ple­nty of time. Then a penal­ty, but not con­ver­ted: Did the scorer not belie­ve it eit­her: 2:0 against the world cham­pi­ons?

Now the French show their capa­ci­ty

The French turn on the tur­bo and show what they can do. 2 goals with ver­ve and tech­ni­cal bril­li­ance. The Swiss are dis­may­ed – but soon wake up again. But ano­ther set­back: Pog­ba con­ju­res up an unstoppable shot to make it 3:1. He then poses in the mega-CR7 pose of the real soc­cer god. “Well, we’­ve got that in the bag – as expec­ted”. Vive la self-importance.

But the Swiss look for their chan­ce with fresh ener­gy and find it. Equa­li­zer in the last minu­te. Now the world cham­pi­ons’ big pros are sag­ging again. No more goals in extra time eit­her. The effect of team lea­der Gra­nit Xha­ka is unmist­aka­ble: only the Swiss stand tog­e­ther in a cir­cle befo­re the game starts again. And like a thun­der­bird, he inspi­res his team-mates with belief in their own chan­ces and con­fi­dence in their exhaus­ted bodies.


and many thanks to you Swiss. You have shown us how to win: Never ever give up! Belie­ve in your chan­ce! Don’t free­ze in front of Goli­ath, but under­stand his weak­ne­s­ses and play your game!

And us? We final­ly got to expe­ri­ence soc­cer again! Fasci­na­ted by the inter­play of excel­lent play and enthu­si­a­stic spec­ta­tors. We suf­fer with them, cheer them on and give them strength. Are we just wat­ching here? What can we learn for our own team­work with the hig­hest chan­ces of suc­cess?

And the Ger­mans?

Today I also reco­ver­ed from the Ger­man team’s game. You can’t win if you’­re thin­king pri­ma­ri­ly about eli­mi­na­ti­on and want to avo­id every mista­ke. That’s exact­ly what hap­pens. Hel­lo media, you live on fear-fil­led sce­na­ri­os! Think! The Swiss team sim­ply dealt with nega­ti­vi­ty in a dif­fe­rent way: igno­re it and show it to ever­yo­ne.

And one more thing – not just becau­se of poli­ti­cal cor­rect­ness: the Swiss team is mul­ti­cul­tu­ral. It is not the indi­vi­du­al class tain­ted by com­pla­cen­cy that we Wes­tern cul­tures tend to dis­play that brings the expec­ted results: This team, along with its coach, is a mel­ting pot of dif­fe­rent pro­ven­an­ces, whe­re an unsa­tu­ra­ted, rou­sing will to suc­ceed is pro­ba­b­ly epi­ge­ne­tic in some. The­re is no room for com­pla­cen­cy, airs and graces and an over­si­zed ego. A para­digm for our time!

Eck­hard Schöl­zel

What has impres­sed you most about living and working tog­e­ther?

About Eckhard Schölzel
Dipl. Psych. (Leadership, Cooperation and Communication Psy.), Certified Value Coach (VMI), TMS Master. Since 1984 Trainer, Coach, Consultant for Personality and Organizational Development; Coach / Trainer for "Life Balance"; Page 1995 Entrepreneur E.S. & Partner, Management Development in Boarding School. Corporations and SMEs. Leadership and organizational development for cutting-edge technological research (THs)